Ecuador & New Hampshire: Sustainable Communities and Backpacking Expedition

Clayton Walton
Clayton WaltonInstructor
Clayton L. Walton has spent the last 19 years designing student development initiatives that challenge participants to intentionally engage their college experience. As the Executive Director of Globally Engaged Experiential Learning and Assistant Professor in the School of Public Affairs and Administration, Clayton promotes a holistic student development philosophy that informs the design and implementation of his coursework, study away programs and co-curricular initiatives.

This 3-Credit course will take students to Marlow, New Hampshire and Pifo, Ecuador to observe and experience cultural life paths as diverse as Ecuador’s climates. Students will experience deep cultural immersion through visiting villages, studying the Spanish language, and learning the traditional ecological knowledge of the Ecuadorian landscape.


Pifo, Ecuador

Marlow, New Hampshire

Program Dates

August 10th – 20th, 2024

Who Can Participate

  • Rutgers undergraduate students who have:
    • completed 12+ credits
    • related coursework
    • approval from the faculty director as well as their advisor
  • Rutgers graduate students

No previous knowledge of Spanish is required in order to apply for this program.

Related Areas of Study

  • Social Work
  • Ecology

Important Note: This is not a complete list. We value diverse perspectives in our programs and encourage students from all majors and professions for participate. All program applicants are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to determine if and how this course may be applied towards their program requirements and degree completion.

Course Code:

Students self-register in Webreg and choose the following two course:

  • TBD (3 credits)
    • This course is being offered through the Department of Social Work.



Travel and Visa Information:

Passport: All program participants are required to have a valid passport, which must be valid for at least six months beyond the program end date.

Visa: U.S. citizens traveling for business or tourism on a tourist passport can enter Ecuador for up to 90 days per calendar year without a visa.

Pre-Departure Resources:

US State Department

Center for Disease Control.


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