India & Nepal

Fall 2023

Social Development & Sustainable Living

Students will be able to critically examine the inner workings of a unique group of urban public organizations striving for social change. One of the primary goals of this initiative is to explore various forms of grassroots community leadership within India and Nepal with the intent of understanding how communities can effectively create programs that address their needs.



Winter 2024

Winter Ecology & Indigenous Community

Students study winter ecology and sustainable forestry, and observe the natural landscape from the perspective of the indigenous communities and cultures of the area. In addition, students will study traditional farming methods and preserving food through the winter months and the history of Northern New England and participate in an interactive geography lesson.


Spring Break 2024

ILE Alternative Spring Break

The ILE initiative to Belize helps student immerse themselves in cultural excursions and service learning with local communities. Set against the backdrop of Belize's rich diversity, explore themes aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, addressing issues from indigenous cultures to environmental conservation. Join us for a short-term, high-impact experience that fosters cultural exchange and contributes to meaningful initiatives..



Spring 2024

Indigenous Communities Field Study

In partnership with the Massailand communities, Korona School District, and Zanzibar University students learn the challenges of creating social change in culturally complex communities while also engaging concepts of sustainable living, community leadership, and cultural competency to collaborate with indigenous communities in a series of cultural immersion and sustainable living projects.


Summer 2024

Community Resilience & Wellness

This field study combines cultural excursions, service learning and extensive engagement opportunities with local indigenous populations and community-based organizations. Utilizing an experiential learning framework, students will explore the socio-economic complexities of Belize in hopes of understanding many of the challenges developing nations in the Caribbean and Central America encounter.


Summer 2024

Culture & Sustainable Communities

This 3-Credit course will take students to Marlow, New Hampshire and Pifo, Ecuador to observe and experience cultural life paths as diverse as Ecuador's climates. Students will experience deep cultural immersion through visiting villages, studying the Spanish language, and learning the traditional ecological knowledge of the Ecuadorian landscape.
