The United Kingdom, Oxford: Constitutions and the FoundING of the American Republic

 Dr. Brian Murphy
Dr. Brian MurphyInstructor

This summer course is a two-week dive into the history of written constitutions, with a focus on the federal and state constitutions in the U.S. Open to undergraduate, graduate, and law students, the course will be hosted at the University of Oxford, where students will live at Pembroke College and have an opportunity to meet students from other universities who are participating in this special consortium program. Our host will be The Quill Project, a digital initiative based at Pembroke College that studies the writing of constitutional texts and produces cutting-edge scholarship and research. Students will participate in lectures, learn how to use the Quill platform, and meet with faculty and Oxford tutors. All students will get a library card to Oxford’s famous Bodliean Library, and there will be special afternoon trips to historic and cultural sites in the area. All lodging and meals will be covered by the course fee.


United Kingdom

Program Dates

July 29th, 2025- August 9th, 2025