Student Spotlight

In August, Salma and Destiny returned to Nepal to work directly with the Kevin Rohan Foundation as part of their summer internship, immersing themselves in meaningful community projects and gaining hands-on experience in humanitarian work.

Salma Abedullah, India & Nepal '23

Salma is a senior majoring in Neuroscience and Behavior at Rutgers University-Newark. Eager to experience the rich cultures of India & Nepal, Salma participated in the India & Nepal program which give her the opportunity to engage with local organizations and communities. "The experiential learning that we took part in the field allowed me to fully grasp the concepts we had learned in the classroom. For example, visiting the Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation made me fully grasp the concept of sustainability within a non-profit. This experience gave me a newfound appreciation for sustainability in every aspect of my life and the world around me". -Salma

Abhinav Pandey, India & Nepal '23

Abhinav is a senior at the Rutgers University-Newark studying Political Science and International Affairs with a focus on global politics, is pursuing an accelerated master's program. Intrigued by the caste systems prevalent in his birth country, Abhinav eagerly joined the ILE study abroad program in India and Nepal. During this program, he had the opportunity to interact with organizations and leaders actively working to address social issues in these countries. Abhinav's goal is to gain insights and knowledge from his experiences abroad, which he can then apply to his field of study. "Firstly, on the basis of the Caste systems, it was good to hear that none of the NGOs discriminated against the caste system. On a personal level, it had an impact on me learning more in depth about my cultural background and understanding that we had a long and powerful understanding before independence." - Abhinav

Destiny Ramirez, India & Nepal '23

Merna, a junior at Rutgers University Newark, is majoring in Psychology and minoring in Social Justice. She took part in the Maine winter program, driven by her curiosity to explore indigenous communities and their lifestyles. Merna's objectives for joining the program included acquiring new skills, gaining valuable experience, broadening her perspective, fostering independence, adapting to new environments, and learning about diverse cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives. The study away program significantly contributed to achieving these personal and academic goals.